Syrian Kurdish Forces Declare Deal With Gov’t To Confront Turkish Assault

Syrian Kurdish Forces Declare Deal With Gov’t To Confront Turkish Assault

DAMASCUS, Oct 14 (NNN-SANA) – The Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, known as Rojava, said, it reached an agreement with the Syrian government, to confront the Turkish assault.

“An agreement has been reached with the Syrian government, for the entry and deployment of the Syrian army along the Syrian-Turkish border, to aid the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in facing the Turkish offensive and recapturing areas that fell to the Turkish forces,” Rojava said in a statement.

The agreement will allow for liberating other Syrian areas, such as Afrin, which fell to Turkey-backed rebels in 2018.

Syrian official media outlets said, the Syrian army was moving towards the northern region to “confront the Turkish aggression.”

The report revealed no further details on the nature of the “confrontation,” but it came shortly after the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the Syrian army would enter two key Kurdish areas in northern Syria, within 48 hours.

They are the city of Manbij in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo and the city of Ayn al-Arab, in the northern Aleppo countryside.

The SOHR said, it “confirmed information” that a deal was reached between the SDF and Russia, about the entry of the Syrian army into Manbij and Ayn al-Arab, also known as Kobane.

A well-informed Kurdish source also confirmed that the Syrian army would assume control over Manbij and Ayn al-Arab, both are Kurdish-held cities.

Apparently, the Syrian army’s entry to these areas came, as part of the Syrian army’s bid to strip Turkey of its pretext to attack Kurdish-controlled areas in northern Syria.

It was reported that the Turkish army and allied Syrian rebel groups captured several areas in the countryside of Hasakah province in northeastern Syria and the countryside of the northern Raqqa province.

The SOHR said earlier that the number of civilians who fled the battle zones in the area exceeded 100,000, warning that the situation there could be “fully catastrophic.”– NNN-SANA


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