Outsider Saied set for landslide in Tunisia presidency: exit polls

TUNIS, Oct 14 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Kais Saied, a political outsider, was headed for a landslide victory Sunday in Tunisia’s presidential runoff, sweeping aside his rival, media magnate Nabil Karoui, exit polls said.

In a contest that reflected Tunisia’s shifting post-revolution political landscape, Saied, an independent conservative academic, scooped 72.5 percent of the vote according to the Emrhold exit poll, and 76.9 percent in the Sigma one — over 40 points ahead of Karoui.

Thousands of people took to the streets of the capital Tunis to celebrate Saied’s victory, honking horns and singing the national anthem.

The official results are expected Monday.

In his first reaction, Saied thanked the country’s young people “for turning a new page,” and vowed to try to build “a new Tunisia”.

Around 90 percent of 18 to 25-year-olds voted for Saied, according to estimates by the Sigma polling institute, compared with 49.2 percent of voters over 60.

“Kais Saied, voice of the people,” a gathered crowd chanted. “Long live Tunisia!”

The runoff was contested by two political newcomers — pitting Saied, nicknamed “Robocop,” against businessman, Karoui, who is dubbed Tunisia’s “Berlusconi”.

They trounced the old guard in a Sept 15 first round, highlighting voter anger over a stagnant economy, joblessness and poor public services in the cradle of the Arab Spring.

Saied topped the first round with 18.4 percent of votes, while Karoui followed with 15.6 percent.

Adding controversy and suspense to the contest, Karoui only walked free on Wednesday, having spent more than a month behind bars on suspicion of money-laundering.

The poll, Tunisia’s second free presidential elections since its 2011 revolt, followed the death of president Beji Caid Essebsi in July. Turnout was higher than in the first round, and estimated at around 57 percent.

The 56-year-old business tycoon Karoui portrayed himself as a bulwark against political Islam, which he accused his rival of supporting.

Saied, a 61-year-old constitutional law expert, whose low-cost, door-to-door campaign caught fire in the country, called for Tunisians “to make a choice today in complete freedom”.

“You have created a new concept of revolution, let your conscience guide you,” he said, casting his ballot.

Saied campaigned upon the values of the 2011 revolution, based on opposition to Westernised and corrupt elites, and in favour of radical decentralisation.

The Islamist-inspired Ennahdha party, which won the most seats in parliament in general elections earlier this month, had called on supporters to back Saied.

While the candidates were both seen as anti-establishment figures, the contrast between them was sharp, with Saied earning his nickname for his rigid and austere manner.

A social conservative, he has defended the death penalty, criminalisation of homosexuality and a sexual assault law that punishes unmarried couples who engage in public displays of affection.

Saied taught at the Tunis faculty of judicial and political sciences for nearly two decades. — NNN-AGENCIES


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