Syrian Gov’t Rules Out Communication With Kurdish Forces Amid Turkish Assault

Syrian Gov’t Rules Out Communication With Kurdish Forces Amid Turkish Assault

DAMASCUS, Oct 14 (NNN-SANA) – Jayez Mousa, governor of Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah, ruled out any communication with the Kurdish forces, amid ongoing Turkish assault against them in northern Syria, pro-government al-Watan newspaper reported.

Negotiation with Kurdish forces is unlikely, “as they were the reason behind the current Turkish assault in northeastern Syria,” Mousa told al-Watan.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) supported the U.S. military presence in northeastern Syria, he noted.

The governor’s remarks come, as Turkey has been on a crushing offensive against the Kurdish forces in northern Syria since Wednesday.

The Syrian government accuses the Kurdish forces of refusing to negotiate, and insisting on their separatist plan, in northeastern and northern Syria.

According to Mousa, the Turkish forces and their allies of Syrian rebels, have captured the key city of Ras al-Ayn in Hasakah Province with the collapse of the SDF.

A total of 21,400 families have been displaced from Hasakah, as a result of the Turkish assault, he said, adding that the SDF fighters are setting up mortar launchers in residential areas to “protect themselves.”

The Turkish operation aims to create a safe zone in northern Syria and resettle millions of Syrian refugees.

It came after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from northern Syria, which was seen as a sign of abandoning the Kurdish forces, that are considered as Washington’s allies in fighting the Daesh in Syria.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued two statements since the beginning of the Turkish operation, accusing Ankara of targeting residential areas and causing deaths among civilians, while holding the Kurdish forces responsible for the Turkish campaign.– NNN-SANA


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