Ecuadorian Indigenous Leaders Agree To Dialogue With Government

Ecuadorian Indigenous Leaders Agree To Dialogue With Government

QUITO, Oct 13 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – Ecuador’s Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), said, it will take part in the “direct dialogue” advocated by Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, after ten days of anti-government protests.

“After a consultation process with the communities, peoples, nationalities and social organisations, we have decided to participate in the direct dialogue” with Moreno, Conaie said in a statement.

Moreno appealed to indigenous leaders in a televised address, to negotiate directly with him as violent protests rocked the country’s capital.

“Let us sit down and talk about Decree 883, let us talk about where those resources are going to be allocated and let us make sure that those most in need receive them,” said Moreno.

The protests led by Conaie demanded the repeal of the Decree 883, which ended four-decade-old fuel subsidies, raising the prices of gasoline and diesel.

Conaie at first declined Moreno’s invitation, but later changed its mind.

“We insist on the need for a direct and public dialogue on Decree 883 for its repeal or revision,” Conaie said.– NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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