Arab FMs To Meet In Cairo Over Turkey’s Offensive In Syria

CAIRO, Oct 10 (NNN-MENA) – The Arab League (AL) announced that it will hold an emergency meeting at the level of foreign ministers on Saturday to discuss the recent offensive launched by Turkey in northern Syria, the Cairo-based pan-Arab body said, on Wednesday.

“The meeting will discuss Turkish aggression on Syrian territories,” said AL Assistant Secretary-General, Hossam Zaki.

He added that the meeting will be held in response to a request from Egypt, supported by several Arab states.

Zaki described the Turkish offensive, launched earlier on Wednesday, in northern Syria, as “an unacceptable aggression against the sovereignty of an AL member state, using its current conditions and developments in violation of the rules of international law.”

The Turkish military offensive, dubbed “Operation Peace Spring” targets Kurdish forces in northern Syria, bordering southern Turkey.

The Turkish leadership views the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the People’s Protection Unit (YPG) as terrorists, allied with Turkey’s Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).– NNN-MENA


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