ASEAN Ministers To Discuss Environment-Related Issues In Cambodia

ASEAN Ministers To Discuss Environment-Related Issues In Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, Oct 5 (NNN-AKP) – Environment ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), are due to meet in Cambodia next week, to discuss trans-boundary haze pollution and other environment-related issues, a Cambodian spokesman said today (Saturday).

They will gather at the 15th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment (15th AMME), and related meetings, scheduled for Oct 7-10 in northwest Siem Reap province, said Environment Ministry Secretary of State and Spokesman, Neth Pheaktra.

“During the meeting, the ASEAN ministers will discuss a wide range of issues of regional cooperation on the environment, including climate change, environmentally sustainable city, biodiversity conservation, coastal and marine environment, environmental education, water resource management, chemical and hazardous waste management, trans-boundary haze pollution control and eco-schools,” he said.

The spokesman also said, the biennial meeting is expected to adopt three key documents – the draft ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change, the draft ASEAN Strategic Plan on the Environment, and the request to designate five national parks in Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam as ASEAN Heritage Parks.

Three related meetings will be held back-to-back with the 15th AMME, he said, adding that, those are the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Trans-boundary Haze Pollution, the 16th ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and South Korea) Environment Ministers Meeting, and the ASEAN-Japan Ministerial Dialogue on Environmental Cooperation.

Pheaktra said, to mark the launching of ASEAN Green Initiatives, the participants will also attend a ceremony to plant Kravan flower trees, in front of the famed Angkor Wat Temple.– NNN-AKP


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