Austria: Conservatives win election as far-right tumbles

VIENNA, Oct 1 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Austrian conservatives won the most seats in snap elections Sunday, putting their 33-year-old leader Sebastian Kurz on track to retake power but forcing him into tough coalition negotiations after a corruption scandal sent his erstwhile far-right allies preparing for opposition.

Kurz’s People’s Party (OeVP) gained 37 percent, up almost six percentage
points from the last election two years ago, but not enough to form a
government on its own, according to projections based on partial results.

Kurz’s former allies, the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe), were the biggest
losers of the night, falling 10 percentage points to around 16 percent
following the spectacular “Ibiza-gate” corruption scandal in May.

The affair brought down the OeVP-FPOe coalition after just 18 months in
government and triggered Sunday’s snap poll.

The Greens were also big winners as climate change rose to the top of
voters’ concerns, securing around 14 percent of the vote.

That means they will be viable coalition partners for a new government, but Green leader Werner Kogler said on Sunday evening that in order to consider working with Kurz, the party would need to see “radical change” from the right-wing policies pursued by the previous coalition.

The centre-left Social Democrats look set for their worst-ever result on
around 22 percent of the vote, with the liberal NEOS party winning around
eight percent.

A total of 6.4 million people were eligible to vote in the small Alpine
country, with turnout estimated at 75.5 percent.

Kurz told jubilant supporters at party headquarters on Sunday evening the
scale of the victory had left him “almost speechless”, but gave few clues as
to his next moves.

Before the election, Kurz — a former law student, who has enjoyed a rapid
ascent through the ranks to become the youngest-ever chancellor in 2017 —
said he would keep all options open.

“It is a big responsibility. We accept this trust humbly and respectfully,
and I promise we will do our best to honour this trust,” Kurz said.

The FPOe took a bigger hit than expected from the “Ibiza-gate” scandal
which brought down its long-time leader Heinz-Christian Strache, and was
followed by a fresh investigation against him announced in the past week — this time over alleged fraudulent expense claims.

FPOe leader Norbert Hofer, a former aircraft engineer who took over from
Strache, told Austrian media that he believed Sunday’s result meant the party would not take part in coalition talks and that it was “preparing for

Previously, a renewed coalition with the far-right — touted by Hungarian
Prime Minister Viktor Orban and other nationalists as a model for all of
Europe — had looked a likely outcome.

The Greens failed to make it into parliament in the last election in 2017,
in a shock result, but have staged an impressive recovery, with an especially
strong showing in Austria’s big cities.

The Greens’ gains put Kurz in a tough spot if he wants to try to woo them
and rebrand himself as fighting climate change rather than immigration.

Forming a coalition with the Social Democrats (SPOe) is another option.

Since World War II, either the OeVP or SPOe have always been in government, and for 44 years in total the two have ruled together.

But it was Kurz who ended their last “grand coalition”, leading to the 2017

Kurz has also floated the idea of ruling in a minority government. But this
could bring political uncertainty or even trigger another election.

A new administration could take months to emerge.

On Sunday President Alexander Van der Bellen, a former Greens leader, said initial discussions between the parties would take place in the coming weeks.

Van der Bellen said he would “strive to make sure… that trust is rebuilt”
after “Ibiza-gate”.

The OeVP-FPOe government imploded in May when two German media outlets
published footage filmed secretly on the Spanish resort island of Ibiza,
showing then FPOe leader Strache appearing to offer public contracts in
exchange for campaign help from a fake Russian backer. — NNN-AGENCIES


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