US: Majority of Americans oppose Pres Trump impeachment

WASHINGTON, Sept 26 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — According to a poll released Wednesday, 57 percent of US voters are opposed to impeaching President Donald Trump.

Only 37 percent of Americans support impeaching Trump and removing him from office, the Quinnipiac University poll revealed.

These are the first figures announced since the beginning of the new controversy involving Donald Trump surrounding a phone conversation held in July with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in that call, Trump pressured Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for his ties to a Ukrainian natural gas company.

Press reports indicated that the phone call between the two leaders led a member of the country’s intelligence community to file a complaint against the head of state, which was considered credible and urgent by the US Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson.

Disclosures were also released that just one week before the phone call, Donald Trump ordered to withhold $400 million of military aid for Ukraine, which suggests to Democrats that the president wanted to pressure Kiev into investigating his political rival.

That breaking news led to an increasing number of Democratic lawmakers call for a formal impeachment process against the US president, which the House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi formally announced.

The majority opposition to the impeachment revealed by the poll comes despite 55% of voters disapproving of Trump’s performance, compared to a 40% approval rating. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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