Popularity of Brazil’s president eroding, poll says

RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept 26 (NNN-Xinhua) — The approval rate of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has dropped to 31 percent in September, according to a latest survey.

Pollster Ibope said that 31 percent of respondents considered Bolsonaro’s government good or very good, compared with 34 percent who said it was bad or very bad.

The president’s approval rate has been falling steadily since the beginning of his administration.

In January, when Bolsonaro took office, his approval rate stood at 49 percent while his disapproval rate was 11 percent.

According to Ibope, 44 percent of the respondents approved Bolsonaro’s way of governing while 50 percent disapproved. And 42 percent said they trust the president, compared with 55 percent who said they do not.

The Ibope poll was held on Sept 19-22 with 2,000 electors from 126 towns surveyed. — NNN-XINHUA


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