China, Australia Plan To Develop Biomaterials For 3D-Printed Living Tissue

China, Australia Plan To Develop Biomaterials For 3D-Printed Living Tissue

SYDNEY, Sept 25 (NNN-XINHUA) – Chinese and Australian scientists will continue to break ground in 3D-printed living tissue for use in medical procedures, with plans for a new bilateral research centre.

Focussing on the creation of tissue, which can help repair ageing body parts, the Joint Research Centre for the Development of Functional Biomaterials in Advanced Manufacturing of Human Tissues and Organs, will be based at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in the Australian city of Brisbane.

QUT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Sheil AO said, the establishment of the joint research centre follows six successful years of collaboration between QUT and Shanghai researchers, including those from the Chinese Academy of Science.

“This is brilliant science, holding up hope for millions of people suffering from arthritic pain and age-related injuries.” She said, there is also the economic benefit with a growing demand for biomaterials globally.

By treating common ailments associated with old age, Deputy Premier of Queensland, Jackie Trad, said, newly developed biomaterials will take significant burden off health systems.

“Queensland’s older population is expected to grow by 68 percent over the next 10 years and about a third of China’s population will be over 60 by 2050,” Trad said.

“By accelerating research in this important field, we can improve the quality of life for all of us as we get older, reducing the burden on our health care systems.”– NNN-XINHUA


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