China Calls For Deescalation Of Tension In Yemen

China Calls For Deescalation Of Tension In Yemen

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 17 (NNN-XINHUA) – A Chinese envoy called for deescalation of tension in Yemen and the return to diplomacy for a political solution.

“China condemns the attack on Saudi oil refinery facilities, and is against any attacks on civilians and civilian facilities. We call on the parties to refrain from any action that will lead to further escalation of tension in the region, and to resort to political means, such as, peaceful negotiations to achieve regional peace and stability,” Wu said.

The many recent developments concerning the situation in Yemen have brought new and complex dimensions to the search for a political solution, said Wu Haitao, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN.

China hopes that regional countries will continue to create favourable conditions for the Yemeni parties to ease tension and enhance mutual trust, he added.

The Stockholm Agreement is a major step towards a political solution to the question of Yemen. It is an important outcome of UN mediation, and should be fully implemented, Wu said.

The Yemeni people bear the brunt of the fighting in the country. The worsening humanitarian situation is indeed worrisome. The international community should increase its humanitarian support to the country, he said. “We hope that the donor countries will honour their commitments, and that relevant parties will ensure that the humanitarian supplies can reach all populations in all regions in need of such assistance.”

China has, through bilateral and multilateral channels, provided assistance in the economic, education, and health fields, and will continue to do so to the best of its ability. China sincerely hopes that Yemen can restore peace, stability, and achieve development, as soon as possible. China is ready to play a constructive role in that regard, he said.– NNN-XINHUA


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