Belarus to donate medicines to Venezuela

MINSK, Sept 14 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Belarus will donate medical supplies worth over $200,000 to Venezuela, in the face of the US blockade that hinders the purchase of medicines and starting materials to manufacture them in Caracas.

On the list of medicines, there are 35 products worth Br442,013 (over $214,000 dollars).

The Belarussian Ministry of Transportation and Communications is responsible for shipping the medicines manufactured by Belfarmprom company, while the chemical and oil consortium Belneftekhim is liable for paying transportation costs.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has gone through a severe economic crisis since January, when the United States decided to support the illegitimate self-proclamation of opposition leader Juan Guaidó as president.

According to the Venezuelan newspaper Ultimas Noticias, the Swiss bank UBS AG blocked Venezuela´s bank transactions to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), aimed at purchasing vaccines for Venezuela´s immunization program.

As a result of US sanctions, it is known that the American multinational pharmaceutical corporations such as Pfizer Inc. and Novartis have refused to sell medicines, reagents and medical supplies to Venezuela. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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