Xenophobia: South Africa president cancels UN meeting trip to address pressing domestic issues

PRETORIA, Sept 14 (NNN-XINHUA) — South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will cancel the trip to attend the 74th United Nations General Assembly on Sept 23-26 to address the pressing issues affecting the country, said the office of the Presidency.

South Africa currently faces the challenges of weak growth rate, xenophobic attacks, femicide and crime in general among others issues.

“The president has decided to remain in South Africa to attend to the implementation of government’s urgent measures on gender-based violence, the restoration of order and stability in areas affected by public violence, and to oversee initiatives to turn around the economy,” said Khusela Diko, spokesperson to the President.

She stated that the President will meet communities, civil society and structures of government on concrete actions to address public concerns and challenges.

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor will lead South Africa’s delegation to the UN. — NNN-Xinhua


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