Turkey’s President Threatens To Take Unilateral Action On Syria Safe Zone

Turkey’s President Threatens To Take Unilateral Action On Syria Safe Zone

ANKARA, Turkey, Sept 1 (NNN-ANADOLU) – Turkey will proceed with its own plan of action, if Turkish soldiers do not take control of the safe zone in northeastern Syria soon, said Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Turkey is running out of time and patience, on the safe zone deal with the United States. It wants the safe zone to be built on the east of the Euphrates, as soon as possible,” Erdogan stressed.

“Three weeks later is the last chance,” said the Turkish leader, referring to his scheduled meeting with his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session.

Turkey and the United States have been at odds over northeastern Syria and the YPG, the Syrian offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which is listed as a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the U.S. and EU.

However, the United States has allied itself with the YPG, in the fight against the Daesh in Syria.

On Aug 7, Turkish and U.S. army officials agreed to set up a safe zone in northeastern Syria, which is expected to turn into a “peace corridor,” stretching from the Euphrates River to the Iraqi border, to facilitate the return of displaced Syrians living in Turkey, to their home country, and address Turkey’s security concerns along the border.– NNN-ANADOLU


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