Italy crisis: PD and Five Star agree coalition deal after talks

ROME, Aug 30 (NNN-AGENCIES0 — The leaders of Italy’s centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and populist Five Star Movement have agreed to form a coalition government.

“We consider it worthwhile to try this experience,” the PD’s Nicola Zingaretti said after meeting the president on Wednesday – the deadline for any deal.

It was agreed that Giuseppe Conte should stay on as prime minister.

The planned joint administration will serve until the next scheduled elections in 2023.

On Tuesday, Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio welcomed what he referred to as the PD’s willingness to accept Mr Conte’s reappointment.

The two parties, traditionally staunch rivals, have been holding tense talks following the collapse of the previous coalition government last week.

“In difficult times like these, shunning our responsibility to have the courage to try this is something we cannot afford,” Zingaretti said.

President Sergio Mattarella, who met party leaders in Rome to try to chart a way forward, has summoned Conte to a meeting on Thursday morning.

The two parties have been in discussions since Conte resigned as prime minister in dramatic fashion last week.

His decision came after Matteo Salvini, the leader of the nationalist League party, tabled a no-confidence motion against him.

During his Aug 20 resignation speech, Conte launched a blistering attack on Salvini, accusing him of being “irresponsible”.

Salvini’s League party had been in power with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement for 14 months when he effectively ended the coalition, saying he could no longer work with his partners.

Both Salvini and Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi called for fresh elections after meeting President Mattarella. — NNN-AGENCIES


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