Mexico: 4,200 Children orphaned by femicide in 9 months

MEXICO CITY, Aug 29 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — A total of 4,245 children have been orphaned in Mexico since December 2018, due to 2,192 homicides and femicides, the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) reported.

Inmujeres revealed the figures of a census that concluded recently in which it was revealed that 173 of those murdered (7.9 percent) were minors.

Each murderer of these women caused an average of two minors to become orphans (1.93), according to the institution’s estimates during the national census of children who have been orphaned due to the homicide of their mothers.

Fabiola Alanis Samano, director of the Inmujeres’ Directorate for a Life Free of Violence, explains that the objective is that these orphans are not left helpless and that the Mexican State protects them with economic, medical and psychological support.

According to Samano, the idea is that these children and adolescents continue with their studies, have a less traumatic emotional development and lead a healthy social life, without repeating violent patterns when they become adults.

In a document entitled ‘Violence against Women in Mexico,’ prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, Inmujeres and the National Institute for Federalism and Municipal Development, it is reported that, from December 2018 until June, there were an average of 10 cases of women murdered per day.

As a result, at least 19 children and adolescents were orphaned every 24 hours (19.36 per day). This means that, on average, almost every hour a child is orphaned in Mexico due to the murder of his or her mother.

Of the total number of children orphaned, the highest number of cases is in the State of Mexico, with 483, followed by Jalisco, with 334; Guanajuato, 313; Baja California, 276, and Mexico City, 263.

The states with the fewest cases are Campeche (three), Aguascalientes and Yucatán (11 each), Baja California Sur (13) and Nayarit (28).

From December 2018 to June 2019, there were 39,109 cases of women victims of intentional bodily harm. That figure implies an average of 190 attacks per day, practically eight per hour (7.91).

The State of Mexico (10,709), Guanajuato (3,973), Jalisco (2,534), Queretaro (2,57) and Michoacan (2,43) were the areas where the greatest number of aggressions occurred against women.

To prevent women from continuing to suffer lethal gender violence, the federal government established on March 6 an Emergency Plan to Guarantee the Integrity, Safety and Life of Women and Girls in Mexico, part of the national strategy for comprehensive protection of people experiencing gender-based violence. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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