Indeci: No major forest fire reported in Peru

LIMA, Aug 24 (NNN-ANDINA) — No major forest fire has been reported across the country so far, Peru’s National Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) has affirmed.

However, Indeci said that 128 fires have been reported nationwide from July 27 to date, the majority of these fires have been caused by human activities.

In addition, most of the fires (30) have been reported in southern Cusco region followed by Ayacucho (14), Amazonas (6) and Madre de Dios (2).

As for the emergency reported in the Amazon region of Brazil and Bolivia, Senamhi continues to monitor the air quality, and no damage has been reported within Peruvian territory so far, specifically in Madre de Dios and Ucayali regions.

For its part, the Defense Ministry has stipulated to bring a Bambi Bucket equipment to Madre de Dios City as a preventive measure, which will remain in the area in case of occurrence of any emergency as consequence of said fire.

It must be noted that, according to the National Forest and Wildlife Service (Serfor), the heat sources are the burnings of weeds and natural pastures practiced by farmers.

Meanwhile, the forest fire happens when these burnings get out of control and get to forest plantations or woods.

Indeci, through the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), delivers a permanent monitoring throughout the national territory and coordinates corresponding actions with regional and local authorities, as well as with technical-scientific institutions. — NNN-ANDINA


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