Spotlight: Moscow Exerts Pressure On Ankara Over Turkey-U.S. Safe Zone Deal: Experts

Spotlight: Moscow Exerts Pressure On Ankara Over Turkey-U.S. Safe Zone Deal: Experts

ANKARA, Turkey, Aug 21 (NNN-XINHUA) – A recent Russian-backed operation, by Syrian government forces in Idlib, is directly relevant to the start of talks between the United States and Turkey, to set up a safe zone in northeastern Syria, experts argued.

On Monday, a Turkish military convoy was attacked on its way to an observation point in Idlib, where Turkish Defence Ministry claimed that three civilians were killed.

A recent consensus between Ankara and Washington, on a safe zone in the east of the Euphrates could lead Russia to exert more pressure on Turkey, on the issue of Idlib, said Serkan Demirtas, a Hurriyet Daily News columnist.

It was the first time that an airstrike was carried out on Turkish convoy, despite Ankara having informed Moscow about its deployment of soldiers to the observation point, Demirtas said.

Monday’s attack raises the question of whether or not Turkey and Russia would be able to carry on their cooperation on Idlib, he said, adding that, tension between Ankara and Moscow has escalated due to Idlib.

Naim Baburoglu, an analyst from Aydin University, agreed that Russia must have given the green light to the attack on the Turkish convoy, adding, the move was a message from Moscow to Ankara that Russia and the Syrian government cannot be excluded from the safe zone deal.

Russia is telling Turkey that Ankara should not set up a safe zone in coordination with Washington only, without the involvement of Russia or Damascus, Baburoglu said.

He recalled that Russian officials said recently that, any anti-terror operations by Turkey, east of the Euphrates, should be carried out in cooperation with Damascus.

Last week, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasised, “all counter-terrorism activities undertaken in Syria, have to receive approval from Damascus … Attempts to isolate Syria’s northeast are a source of growing concern.”

Syria and Russia wanted to take control of the M5 Hama-Aleppo highway, which has crucial strategic importance in logistics supplies, Baburoglu said.

Turkey’s 9th and 10th observation points, in the south of Idlib, which were established under an agreement between Turkey and Russia, are located in a significant area on these supply routes, Baburoglu noted.

As of Tuesday, Turkey’s 9th observation post in Morek is surrounded by forces of President Bashar Al-Assad.

Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, denied that Turkey intends to withdraw or relocate its soldiers in the area, adding that, the observation posts will continue its mission and his country will take necessary additional security measures.

Asked about discussions with Russia, one of the sponsors of the cease-fire deal for Idlib, the Turkish minister said, Ankara and Moscow are having dialogues on all levels, and officials from both sides, including the chiefs of general staff, had a phone conversation after the incident.

Turkey and Russia have built both economic and political partnership, particularly on the issues of the purchase of the S-400 missile defence systems and strategic Akkuyu nuclear power plant construction, Baburoglu said, adding, the two countries also cooperate on the Astana process seeking political settlement of the Syrian conflict.

But interests of Ankara and Moscow conflicted when the issue comes to Idlib, since Turkey backs the “moderate” opposition groups and rejects military assault by the Syrian government, in fear of massive refugee influx to its borders, the expert said.

However, Russia supports Damascus for its military operation against the extremist militants in Idlib, the last stronghold of the rebels, he noted.

Turkey and Russia agreed last Sept, to turn Idlib into a deescalation zone that prohibited acts of aggression. The deal largely failed, despite several attempts to revive it.

Baburoglu expected that the upcoming trilateral meeting of leaders of Turkey, Russia and Iran will address these issues. The three partners in the Astana process are scheduled to meet on Sept 11, in Turkey, to work towards a political settlement of the Syrian war.

On Aug 7, Turkey and the United States agreed to jointly set up a safe zone in northern Syria, but the two sides still differ on several issues.– NNN-XINHUA


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