Peru condemns terror attack in Egypt

LIMA, Aug 15 (NNN-ANDINA) — The Government of Peru has expressed strong condemnation of the terror attack perpetrated outside the National Cancer Institute in Cairo, Egypt, which has left at least 20 dead and 47 wounded.

The message was contained in a press release issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry on behalf of the Peruvian Government.

“The Government of Peru extends its deepest condolences and solidarity to the relatives of the victims and hopes for a prompt recovery of those injured,” the statement reads.

On the other hand, Peru “reaffirms its total rejection of terrorism in all its forms and reiterates its call on the international community to redouble efforts in the fight against this scourge.”

On Aug 5, a car packed with explosives crashed into other vehicles near the National Cancer Institute in the Egyptian capital, thus causing a huge explosion and a fire outside the institute.

Three days later, on Aug 8, the Interior Ministry reported that Egyptian security forces had killed 17 alleged terrorists during an operation against suspects in said deadly car blast. — NNN-ANDINA


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