Syrian Army Resumes Operations After Attacks on Idlib

Syrian Army Resumes Operations After Attacks on Idlib

The first operations of the Syrian army were the destruction of artillery and missiles in positions of the Al-Nusra Front in Latamineh-Zakat-Arbin. Photo courtesy of HispanTV

DAMASCUS, Aug 6 (NNN-TELESUR) – The Government of Syria on Monday denounced the violations of the ceasefire by the groups terrorists, who continue attacks on civilians in the province of Idlib(northwest) and announced it would resume its military operations in that region.

The General Command of the Army and the Syrian Armed Forces said that, despite the fact that the army accepted the ceasefire on August 1, terrorist groups refused to abide by that decision and attacked civilians in populated areas from the locality.

The main extremist faction present in Idlib, the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) alliance – led by the Al-Nusra Front (self-proclaimed Fath Al-Sham Front) – refused on Saturday any withdrawal of its members from the demilitarized zone, leaving behind the option of resolving the conflict peacefully.

Because of the non-compliance with the ceasefire by the terrorist groups, the Syrian army indicated that the resumption of its operations against the terrorist organizations in this area is by virtue of its constitutional duties to protect the Syrian people and ensure their security.

The actions began on Monday, with the destruction of artillery and missiles in positions of the Al-Nusra Front on the Latamineh-Zakat-Arbin axis, as well as other terrorist deployment areas such as Khan Shiekun. Khawin and Zarzour, in the southern countryside of Idlib.



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