Honduras Concerned over Dengue Deaths

Honduras Concerned over Dengue Deaths

TEGUCIGALPA, Aug 5 (NNN-Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Health of Honduras said Sunday that, at the end of this week, were recorded 62 deaths from dengue and 42,346 infected, of which 9,793 are in critical condition.

According to the report released by the Ministry, four more deaths were reported last week, increasing the figure to 62 and 346 new cases nationwide.

It details that the real death rate could be 174, but this has not been confirmed so far.

The National Commissioner of Human Rights, Roberto Herrera Caceres, recommended on Saturday that Central American Ministers of Health undertake a cooperation plan to jointly combat the dengue virus.

Caceres proposed to meet and raise, before the international community, the need for cooperation complementary to the efforts being made to tackle the dengue virus transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito.

Cortes, Yoro, Atlantida, Francisco Morazan and Santa Barbara are the departments with the highest number of cases.

Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by females of the aedes aegypti mosquito, the symptoms of which are high fever, along with very intense headaches, pain behind the eyes, muscular and joint pains, nausea and vomiting, and skin rashes.

NNN-Prensa Latina


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