US imposes sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

US imposes sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

WASHINGTON, August 1 (NNN-AGENCIES ) – The United States imposed sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday amid escalating tensions between the two countries. 

It is rare for the US to put a key foreign diplomat on its sanctions list and the move could cut off a channel for talks. 

The decision was delayed for several weeks, and follows an executive order by President Donald Trump last month designating Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for sanctions. 

The US justified its latest decision by saying Zarif acts on behalf of the supreme leader.

“Javad Zarif implements the reckless agenda of Iran’s Supreme Leader, and is the regime’s primary spokesperson around the world,” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said.

The sanctions are not expected to affect Zarif’s ability to visit the United Nations headquarters in New York, as Washington is bound by an international agreement on that front, though he could see his movement curtailed. The UN General Assembly takes place in September.

Zarif, who was educated in the US, hit back almost immediately, saying the move would have no effect on him as he has no assets outside Iran which Washington could block or seize under the sanctions designation. 

“Thank you for considering me such a huge threat to your agenda,” Zarif posted sardonically on Twitter, while asking if “the truth is really that painful,” referring to his role as a key communicator for the Iranian government. 

It was unclear why the US delayed sanctioning Zarif already last month, when the idea was first floated, although reports in US media said the State Department wanted to keep a diplomatic channel open.

“He has had this veneer of being the sincere and responsible interlocutor for the regime,” a senior US administration official said. “He is no such thing.”

The US accused Zarif of being part of the repression in Iran, including of free speech and gays. The US administration both played up Zarif’s role in the Iranian system, while also downplaying his importance, indicating his internal standing was weak. 

“We would want to have contact with someone who is a significant decision maker,” a US official said, indicating this is not Zarif, but perhaps only the supreme leader himself. 

Iran’s top diplomat was a key point of contact for the US and other major powers as they negotiated the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Last year, the US unilaterally pulled out of the deal and began to impose strict sanctions on the country to strangle the economy.

Washington says it is seeking to change Iran’s foreign policy, including its support for groups in the Middle East, and is implementing a so-called “maximum pressure” campaign on Tehran. While the sanctions are biting, there is no clear sign of a policy shift. 

Zarif speaks fluent English and is regularly interviewed by Western media, including a recent extensive sit-down with The New York Times. 

Zarif insists he wants US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to be interviewed by Iranian media, but alleges the top US diplomat is afraid of being asked tough questions. Pompeo has said he would be happy to visit Tehran. 

Trump recently said Rand Paul, an ally in the Senate, would be allowed to engage Iran in talks, and reportedly met with Zarif. Paul is a war sceptic.



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