Peru confident on double digit growth in foreign tourism for 2020

LIMA, July 31 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Tourism in Peru is bound to experience a double-digit growth thanks to President Martín Vizcarra’s policies, according to the country’s Chamber of Turism CEO Carlos Canales.

 “This government has taken more actions to boost the growth of the tourism sector. Thanks to the installation of the sector technical table, right decisions have been made,” Canales was quoted as saying by the Peruvian newsagency Andina.

Canales also explained that the negotiating table is something operators have been demanded for too long, in order to have a second runway built at Lima’s international Jorge Chavez Airport. “Now it is a reality.“ He added that it ”will facilitate the reception of a greater number of tourists.”

Vizcarra announced Sunday that his country expects to welcome 4.8 million foreign tourists, 9% more than in 2018.

Chile tops the list of countries of origin of tourists who chose Peru as their destination, followed by the United States, Australia, Canada, China and European Union countries.

Canales also pointed out that “the most important thing is that the work we are doing with the Executive Branch will allow us to grow at double-digit rates through the development of new tourist destinations and new infrastructure.”

He added that the Safe Tourism plan, recently implemented, is a response to the business sector’s clamor for the State to take the lead in security issues.

He explained that through this initiative the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) transferred resources to the Ministry of Interior for the Tourism Police for “the acquisition of vehicles such as motorcycles, trucks, among others.”

Canales stressed that all these are articulated actions, which are part of a bigger plan, instead of isolated doings which do not amount to much in relative terms. — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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