VMO partners AI Collective to offer sales predictive analytics

KUALA LUMPUR, July 23 (Bernama) — There are many aspects of business operation that keep F&B merchants up at night and one of the biggest problems is the stocking level of their inventory. Knowing what ingredients to stock is usually a guesswork. VMO is partnering AI Collective, to offer ARKANA. ARKANA provides predictive analytics of next week’s sales to F&B merchants, eliminating the guesswork. As a result of fore-knowledge, this will reduce wastage and improve profitability.

“Over last 4 years, we have worked with many F&B merchants and come to understand the challenges that they face. We were wondering what else could we do to help them, apart from bringing events into their outlets. We saw that many did not have a system in which they would know what next week’s orders would be like, so they could not accurately stock their inventory. Sometimes this results in lost opportunity, when a certain ingredient runs out. Sometime it results in wastage, if less people order a food item. And that’s what this partnership with Arkana addresses. The best part of it is that Arkana will be offering the use of their predictive analytics solution free to VMO merchants,” said Vincent Kok, Chief Eventgelist of VMO Rocks Sdn Bhd.



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