Manchester Bomber’s Brother Handed Over From Libya To Britain

TRIPOLI, July 18 (NNN-XINHUA) — Libyan authorities handed over Hashem Abedi, brother of the Libyan suicide bomber in a Manchester concert hall, to Britain.

“A delegation from the British Embassy received Hashem, Salman Abedi’s brother, inside Metiga international airport of Tripoli to be extradited to London,” Ahmad Salem, spokesman of the Libyan counter-terrorism department, said.

The spokesman did not reveal any further details about the extradition.

In May 2017, the British city of Manchester witnessed a bloody attack on a concert hall, killing 22 people and injuring more than 100 others.

Shortly afterwards, Libyan security arrested the bomber’s brother and father on suspicion of links to the Daesh group. — NNN-XINHUA


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