Colombian activist denounces new threats against social leaders

BOGOTA, July 15 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — Colombian human rights activist France Marquez denounced new threats against social leaders in the western department of Cauca on Sunday.

“We report that in the last 24 hours new #ThreatsALideres of La Toma and Suarez-Cauca. We demand real guarantees of protection to safeguard their lives and rights,” he said through his Twitter account.

In her communication, the leader shared images of the aforementioned intimidations in which one can read phrases such as: ‘the time has come to settle accounts with those who call themselves human rights defenders’ and ‘they have 72 hours to leave the territory, they are informed and the time has begun to run’.

More than 750 leaders have been killed since 2016 for defending the rights of communities to a dignified life, to the preservation of their territories, to the protection of ecosystems, to the fulfillment of the peace agreement and to the restitution of lands, Ivan Cepeda, senator for the Alternative Democratic Pole, recently wrote in his Twitter account.

This bloodbath must end. Actions are needed to put an end to these murders, to guarantee the integral presence of state institutions in the territories and to implement effective protection for the lives of these people, he said.

Since the end of last June, the Movement Defend the Peace of Colombia called for a world mobilization on July 26 in the main squares of this country and the world to demand an end to the assassinations of social leaders in Colombia. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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