National teacher strike in Chile under five weeks in a row

SANTIAGO, July 6 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — The national stoppage led by the Chilean Teachers Association is under five consecutive weeks, with no sign of a way out to the conflict due to the government”s refusal to dialogue with protesters.

The national strike, by which teachers are demanding greater public education attention, is at a standstill after teachers strongly rejected on Monday government’s latest proposal, because they did not address all points of their request.

In response to it, the Chilean Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, made it a condition to return to the classrooms to continue debating on and threatening even with not paying wages to those who keep on strike and cut school budget.

In the 11-item request, three of these had no solution, the ones involving a bonus payment for special education and preschool teachers, and the recognition of a historical debt dating from the late 1980s.

Likewise, to reverse a syllabus change in secondary education that provides the elimination of different subjects such as History, Physical Education and Arts. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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