Peru launches campaign to lure more Japanese tourists

LIMA, June 28 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peru’s Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) launched a new digital marketing campaign in Japan to increase —by more than US$2.5 million— the revenues generated by Japanese tourists visiting the South American country.

PromPeru seeks to position the Inca nation’s virtues —through the concept “Peru, the great nation of the unexpected”— among the youngsters of Japan, and thus boost those travelers’ interest in its tourist attractions.

The campaign is aimed at promoting Peru as a destination by highlighting the beauty of its landscapes and local culture, as well as by eliminating prejudices linked to distances and costs.

The videos show diverse and less-known locations, such as the Huacachina Oasis (Ica region) and Winikunka (Cusco region’s Seven-color Mountain)

The videos are presented from the point of view of two young influencers, Instagram photographer Kohki Yamaguchi and catwalk model Yurie Akutsu, who shared their experiences via social media.

According to the latest Foreign Tourist Profile, each Japanese visitor spends US$1,848 on average during their stay in Peru. 

Therefore, PromPeru continues to opt for the promotion of inspiring travel experiences by strengthening traditional marketing through innovative digital tools. 

It should be noted 47,605 Japanese tourists arrived in Peru in 2018 and spent a total of US$57.3 million. 

In addition, this year marks the 120th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Peru.

For that reason, PromPeru has designed infographics —featuring information on the bilateral relations uniting both countries— that will be displayed on the campaign’s website. — NNN-ANDINA


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