Vehicles Vandalised In Jewish Hate Crime In West Bank’s Palestinian Town

Vehicles Vandalised In Jewish Hate Crime In West Bank’s Palestinian Town

JERUSALEM, June 25 (NNN-WAFA) – Ultra-nationalist Israeli Jews were suspected of vandalising vehicles and spray-painting anti-Palestinian slogans, in a West Bank town overnight, between Sunday and Monday, in fifth hate crime over a month, Israeli police and Palestinians said.

The incident took place in Sinjil, northeast of Ramallah city.

Photos released by the Sinjil Municipality showed cars with their tires slashed and hate graffiti spray-painted on cars and private houses in the town. The slogans read: “Terrorists live here,” and “They are given work and then they rape girls.”

The second graffiti apparently refers to a rape case of a seven-year-old girl that has been stirring Israel. A Palestinian was indicted in the case, but the prosecution is currently considering dropping the charges due to lack of evidence.

In addition, at least 12 cars were vandalised, residents of Sinjil told Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

Israel’s police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, issued a statement, confirming that a report of the damage was received by the police and an investigation was launched.

“Police and the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) units will enter the area as part of the investigation into the incident,” he said.

Last Tuesday, some 23 vehicles were vandalised in the Palestinian town of Deir Istiya, southeast of Nablus city.

A day earlier, hate graffiti in Hebrew were spray-painted on a mosque, in the village of Malik, northeast of Ramallah. Earlier in June, four vehicles and a mosque in the village of Einbus in the northern West Bank were sabotaged.

Thousands of these “price-tag” attacks, assaults by far-right Israelis against Palestinians and their property, including mosques, synagogues and cemeteries, have been carried out over the past years.– NNN-WAFA


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