Peru: President Vizcarra’s approval rating up 8 points, reaches 47%

LIMA, June 24 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra‘s approval rating increased 8 percentage points from 39% to 47% in June, the latest Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP) poll has revealed.

Citizens’ support for the Head of State increased mainly in the center (58%), eastern (57%) and southern (48%) areas of the country.

It showed higher figures in rural areas than in the urban ones belonging to the interior regions.

In addition, it gained more support among the upper classes of society (A and B), than in the middle class (C) or the low-income segments (D and E).

Likewise, the survey revealed that 67% of the respondents support the confidence motion submitted by the Vizcarra administration to Congress last May.

Also, 46% considered as necessary the fact that the President introduced the aforementioned motion because political reforms are urgent to enhance the nation’s politics.

Meanwhile, 39% indicated that the top official’s main motivation to present this initiative was driven by the fact of caring for the country’s wellbeing. — NNN-ANDINA


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