LAMPUNG (South Sumatra, Indonesia), March 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Autopsy results released over the fatal deaths of three Indonesian police officers during a raid on an illegal cockfighting gambling site in Lampung province earlier this week indicate that the attackers had deliberately gunned the trio’s vital organs, authorities believe.
The two suspected shooters – who are members of the military – have been arrested, local news outlet Detik reported.
Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto had also expressed his condolences over the incident, as conveyed by the secretary-general of his Gerindra Party – Ahmad Muzani – on Tuesday.
The attack occurred when a team of 17 members led by district police chief Lusiyanto swooped down on a cockfighting arena in Karang Manik Village located in the Negara Batin district on Monday.
One of the suspected shooters – identified as Peltu LS – had turned himself in at the Negara Batin Police Station hours after the shooting occurred while it remains unclear how his accomplice – Kopka Basar – was caught.
Jakarta Globe reported that Peltu LS, a low-ranking army soldier, had allegedly opened fire on Lusiyanto and two of his officers – Petrus Apriyanto and Ghalib Surya Nanta – during the raid.
The three police officers died at the location and were sent to the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Lampung for an autopsy.
Autopsy results found that Lusiyanto was shot in the right chest while Petrus was hit in the left eye. Ghalib meanwhile was shot in the mouth, Lampung Police Chief Inspector Helmy Santika told the media.
“The investigation has gathered (some) evidence, including a gamecock fighting cage and 12 bullets,” Helmy shared, as quoted by Jakarta Globe.
It remains unclear why the soldiers allegedly opened fire on the officers but initial reports suggest that they are from the Negara Batin district military post.
Indonesia’s National Police Commission has called for a thorough investigation into the fatal incident and urged for stern legal action against those responsible.
Commission member Choirul Anam also called for the authorities to go beyond prosecuting the alleged attackers and investigate the illegal gambling syndicate behind the cockfighting operation, which is banned in the country.
Meanwhile, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs Budi Gunawan has emphasised the severity of the “heinous attack” and had instructed Armed Forces Commander Agus Subiyanto to ensure that those responsible will face the harshest penalties.
“We must allow due process to take its course and ensure the perpetrators receive the maximum punishment. This heinous attack, which claimed the lives of three policemen, constitutes a very serious crime,” Budi told the media.
Under Indonesian law, premeditated murder can be punishable by death.
The Head of Information for the Sriwijaya II Military Command – which covers the Lampung province – Syah Putra Siregar confirmed that they are currently investigating the alleged involvement of military members in the incident.
The Indonesian national police had honoured the three police officers who were fatally shot with posthumous promotions and announced compensations for their families, Antara reported. — NNN-AGENCIES