Serbia’s largest-ever rally sees 325,000 protest government over railway station collapse

Getty Images Thousands of protesters, some waving flags, take part in one of the largest anti-corruption demonstrations
A specialised non-government organisation estimates between 275,000 and 325,000 attended the rally, making it the largest in Belgrade’s history

BELGRADE, March 16 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Hundreds of thousands of people descended on Serbia’s capital on Saturday to protest over the deaths of 15 people in a railway station collapse.

While the government put attendance at 107,000 across Belgrade, an independent monitor said 325,000 – if not more – had gathered, making it Serbia’s largest protest ever.

The Novi Sad collapse last November has galvanised anger towards the government and President Aleksandar Vucic. Demonstrators blame corruption and corner-cutting for the loss of life.

They believe the disaster reflects more than a decade of governing by the Progressive Party of Vucic – who closely associated himself with the station’s recent renovation.

President Vucic addressed the nation on Saturday and praised the police, adding that he was proud that “we managed to preserve the peace”.

He added that he “understood” the protesters’ message, and said “we will have to change ourselves”.

Despite multiple resignations – and Vucic’s insistence that he is going nowhere – the protests have only continued to grow.

Republic Square – just one of the four meeting points around Serbia’s capital for the “15th for 15” protest – was full to overflowing on Saturday.

Some took refuge on the plinth of Prince Mihajlo’s statue – the traditional spot for Belgraders to meet, the equivalent of Eros in London’s Piccadilly.

Others queued up along the road in front of the National Museum, stretching all the way back to Students’ Square.

The other meeting points were every bit as crowded ahead of the planned rendezvous in front of the National Assembly.

The Public Meeting Archive said 275,000-325,000 had attended the protest – “with the possibility that the number was even higher”. — NNN-AGENCIES


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