Lebanese, Iranian Universities Sign Cooperation Agreements

Lebanese, Iranian Universities Sign Cooperation Agreements

BEIRUT, Lebanon, June 22 (NNN-NNA) – The Lebanese University, signed an agreement with Tehran’s Allameh Tabataba’i University, aimed at exchanging professors, students and creating a common PhD programme.

The two universities agreed to cooperate in creating scientific studies.

They will also cooperate in translating books and studies from Arabic to Persian and vice versa, in addition to collaborating in producing books about different studies and topics.

A few years ago, officials from the two countries agreed to boost bilateral exchange, on both the educational and university levels, by inking an agreement on bilateral cooperation, mainly on Farsi language teaching.

Iran has, on many occasions, offered to help Lebanon in different economic sectors, including the overhauling of the electricity sector in the country.– NNN-NNA


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