Honduran police seize 14 bales of cocaine

Honduran police seize 14 bales of cocaine

TEGUCIGALPA, March 6 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — In an operation against drug trafficking in northern Honduras, the National Police seized 14 bales of cocaine hydrochloride in the department (region) of Colón, on the Caribbean coast, on Monday.

The operation was led by agents of the National Police Anti-Drug Directorate, who found the bales of cocaine hidden on the shore of Balabas beach, municipality of Santa Rosa de Aguán, in the Honduran Caribbean.

In addition to the seized narcotics, two pistol-type firearms, a vehicle and three cell phones were confiscated, and three people were arrested, Minister of Security Gustavo Sánchez informed on X.

This is another blow against organized crime by the Government of President Xiomara Castro, “the most successful in the fight against drug activity. We are doing well,” Sánchez stressed.

In another action on Monday, the Public Ministry (Prosecutor’s Office) carried out eight raids in La Ceiba and Roatán, in the northern departments of Atlántida and Islas de la Bahía, respectively.

During the operation, the existence of a criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking which introduced and distributed large shipments of cocaine in Honduran territory by sea from Colombia was confirmed.

These drug shipments were received in the Gracias a Dios region, also in the Honduran Caribbean, or in the Bay Islands archipelago.

The Public Ministry fully identified the leader of this criminal network, originally from La Mosquitia (Gracias a Dios), who together with other members of the structure coordinated the reception of the drugs for their subsequent commercialization and shipment to Mexico, an official statement said.

In several blows to drug trafficking in 2024, Honduras seized more than 25 tons of cocaine, considered the largest amount confiscated this century, — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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