Kyrgyzstan Celebrated The Day Of Ak-Kalpak

Kyrgyzstan Celebrated The Day Of Ak-Kalpak

BISHKEK, Mar 6 (NNN-KNA) – Kyrgyzstan celebratesd Ak-kalpak (Kyrgyz national headgear) Day yesterday. The Ak-kalpak Day was established in the country in 2011, and has been celebrated annually on Mar 5.

State Secretary of Kyrgyzstan, Suyunbek Kasmambetov, congratulated all citizens on the holiday, noting that, the national dress of each nation is an amazing sight, reflecting the culture and history of that nation.

“Our national dress, starting with the Ak-kalpak, is also closely connected with the history of our people, and has survived to this day as an important element of our cultural heritage, constituting an integral part of our life,” he said.

“Today, we live in the era of globalisation and face problems that could lead us to forget or lose both our history and our cultural heritage, against the backdrop of rapidly developing technologies. In a world full of constant changes, we must remember that our main task is to pass on to our children the heritage, language, and traditions of our ancestors,” he said.

According to tradition, men wear traditional Ak-kalpak hats on this day. Festive events dedicated to this day are held in schools, universities, and other state and municipal departments. In addition, various flash mobs and national dress competitions are held in cities and villages.

In 2019, Ak-kalpak craftsmanship, traditional knowledge, and skills in making Kyrgyz men’s headwear, were included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.–NNN-KNA  


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