Cuba launches new projects against gender violence

HAVANA, Feb 2 (NNN-ACN) — The Temporary Working Group in charge of the National Program for the Advancement of Women (PAM) reviewed two new projects and a communication campaign designed to bolster the action plan to prevent gender and family violence.

At the meeting, first deputy minister Inés María Chapman urged the Group to keep improving the strategy with regional government and institutional help in order to submit the plan to the Council of Ministers and include it in next year’s Economy and Budget Plan, as well as to rely on unity and integration as befits the aspirations of the Revolution to achieve the emancipation of women.

Representatives of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) presented the projects Apoyo a la respuesta nacional a la violencia basada en género [Supporting the national response to gender-based violence]―assisted by UNPFA Cuba and the Canadian Embassy and bound to cover 40 municipalities across the island―and No más [No more], led by the FMC together with the international cooperation association COSPE and the Martin Luther King Center and bound to benefit six Cuban municipalities in various provinces.

Both projects engage civil society, agencies and academia and are intended to create and/or strengthen national and regional services to address gender and family violence and to help deconstruct social norms, stereotypes and discriminatory practices that perpetuate this phenomenon.

The communication campaign will be led by the National Center for Sex Education under the theme “Mirar para el lado también es violencia” [Looking away is also violence]. — NNN-ACN


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