Brazil to issue Animal ID to household pets to ensure more security in buying and selling transactions

Brazil to issue Animal ID to household pets to ensure more security in buying and selling transactions
Animals used in agricultural production need not be registered

BRASILIA, Dec 30 (NNN-AGENCIA BRASIL) — Brazilian household pets will soon be eligible for the Animal ID card free of charge as the National Register of Domestic Animals is entering its final testing phase. The Environment Ministry said the tool can be accessed through the website.

 Animal rescue organizations and city halls will also be able to register the animals under their responsibility and issue the identification card, which will include an identification code (QR Code). This code can be attached to the animal’s collar, allowing anyone to locate the guardian via a cell phone camera.

Law 15.046/2024, approved in November by Congress and enacted by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Dec 18, authorized the creation of the registry by the Federal Government. The system will gather information on owners and pets to facilitate zoonosis control and the fight against abandonment and mistreatment of animals. The measure should also provide more security in buying and selling transactions.

As per the new law, the register must contain the owner’s identity, as well as data on the origin and characteristics of the animals: breed, sex, real or presumed age, vaccinations administered, and diseases contracted or being treated, in addition to the place where the animal is kept. It will be the guardians’ duty to report the sale, donation, or death of the pet, indicating the cause.

If the animal wears a subcutaneous microchip that identifies it, the device can be included in the register. “Except in cases where the procedure is funded by the federal government, microchipping is not compulsory. However, it is recommended as a way of increasing animal safety and control,” it was explained.

The microchip is a device placed under the animal’s skin by veterinarians, with a code associated with the owner’s data. To access the information, however, it is necessary to use a suitable reader, usually available in veterinary clinics that carry out the procedure.

The registration of animals will be carried out primarily by the responsible guardians, however, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), city halls, and the Federal District will be able to register animals under their custody, including those in shelters, kennels, zoonosis centers, or on the street. When these animals are adopted, the system will transfer guardianship.

In addition, municipalities and states that join the system will have access to a specific area where they can view and analyze regional statistical data. “This information is essential for the management of local programs for the protection and ethical population management of dogs and cats, including actions such as vaccination, castration, and microchipping campaigns, adoption campaigns, among others,” the Environment Ministry also mentioned.

The registry will be accessible to the public on the Internet. Data will be monitored and centralized by the States and the federal government. Similar initiatives already exist, albeit on a decentralized basis.

Animals used in agricultural production, for products or services, need not be registered – only animals intended for companionship or kept as pets.

Regarding speculations about the possibility of a tax charged to pet owners as in other countries such as Germany, the new law provides for no such thing. “In Brazil, the aim is to improve management and action planning, without imposing sanctions or charges. Public access to data will be limited to what is necessary to support public policies, with a guarantee of privacy and protection of personal data,” the federal government said in a statement. — NNN-AGENCIA BRASIL


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