Swiss Women Rallied Against Labor Discrimination, Wage Gaps

Swiss Women Rallied Against Labor Discrimination, Wage Gaps

BERN, June 16 (NNN-TELESUR) – Thousands of Swiss women Friday took to the streets at 3:24 pm to symbolize the moment at which they “stop being paid” due to the wage discrimination they suffer.

“There are still many inequalities that we must change. Women have been fighting for equality and things are moving but too slowly,” Stephanie, a 25-year teacher, said and explained that the Swiss culture still preserves many features of “sexism and prejudice against women.”

In the labor markets of this European country, which is one of the world’s richest nations and managed to achieve a US$80,188 per capita production in 2017, men earn 12 percent more than women, a figure which increases up to 18.5 percent in “greater responsibility” positions, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Concentrations, marches and sit-ins, which multiplied by the dozens across the country, used the color violet to represent their gender-equality demands.

The demonstrations began early in the day in Lausanne, a city where more than a hundred women gathered to light the “fire of joy,” a bonfire in which they burned objects that promote discrimination.

In Zurich, the country’s largest city, a giant clitoris was strolled through the streets on a chariot pulled by women, while hundreds of protesters staged a sit in the main thoroughfares, blocking the circulation of buses and trams.



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