Lebanon Launches Biggest Beach Clean-Up Campaign

Lebanon Launches Biggest Beach Clean-Up Campaign

BEIRUT, Lebanon, June 10 (NNN-NNA) – Thousands of Lebanese citizens, on Sunday, took part in the biggest national beach clean-up campaign.

The campaign “Save Our Face,” launched by Lebanese Environment Minister, Fadi Jreissati, in several locations including Beirut, Akkar, Zahrani, Batroun and Tripoli, aims at conveying a cleaner picture of Lebanon.

During his tour in different areas of Lebanon, Jreissati considered the day as a national celebration, to convey a unified message about the Lebanese willingness to work together for the sake of the country.

“Clean environment should remain the main message and principle that bring together all Lebanese from all sectors and parties for the love of Lebanon and its nature,” he said.

Jreissati also called upon citizens to change their behaviour and stop throwing waste on the roads, causing pollution.

Meanwhile, citizens taking part in the campaign showed great enthusiasm for the initiative, as well as, their goal of cleaning up beaches and turning Lebanon into a clean and beautiful country again.

Yasmine Hamdar, a volunteer, said, she is participating in the campaign to clean the beach and contribute to raising awareness among people about the importance of not throwing any garbage on the streets.

Maha Moubarak, another volunteer, said, she was waiting for this day while emphasising the role of every citizen in the country in raising awareness about the importance of preserving the environment, water and beaches.

Lebanese officials also participated in the campaign, while stressing that the government will work hard to improve the state of environment in Lebanon.

“Lebanon is facing an environmental disaster. We have a lot of studies that will be discussed in the council of ministers, to take appropriate decisions in this regard,” Minister of State for Social and Economic Rehabilitation of Youth and Women, Violette Safadi, was quoted as saying.

Safadi called upon the Lebanese people and municipalities to assume their responsibilities in preserving Lebanon’s cleanliness.

Member of Parliament, Inaya Ezzeddine emphasised the importance of the event by saying, the city of Tyre was recognised internationally as having one of the most beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean.

“We should keep this picture of Lebanon,” she said.– NNN-NNA


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