Pakistan Committed To Preserving Ozone Layer, Combating Climate Change

Pakistan Committed To Preserving Ozone Layer, Combating Climate Change

ISLAMABAD, Sept 17 (NNN-APP) – Romina Khurshid Alam, coordinator to the Pakistani prime minister on climate change and environmental coordination, said that, the country is committed to protecting the ozone layer and combating climate change, as part of global efforts for human and environmental sustainability.

Pakistan has played a vital role in protecting the ozone layer, through its participation in international agreements, implementation of national policies, and collaboration with global partners, the official said, while addressing a seminar on the ozone layer here, yesterday.

Not protecting the ozone layer is a grave risk for human health and environmental sustainability, she said, adding that, the ozone layer’s depletion poses various risks, including increased incidences of skin cancer, cataracts, and adverse impacts on ecosystems.

Highlighting Pakistan’s efforts to phase out ozone-depleting gases, Alam said, the country used the first generation of ozone-depleting substances in 2009, and achieved a 50 percent reduction in hydrochlorofluorocarbons by Jan, 2020.

“Pakistan is also on track to meet our 67.5 percent reduction target by 2025, transitioning many industries to ozone-friendly technologies…Our collective determination towards human and environmental sustainability continues, as we prepare for the forthcoming hydrofluorocarbons phase-down under the United Nations’ Montreal Protocol,” she added.

Alam also urged the need to engage all stakeholders, including educational institutions and media practitioners, and raise their understanding of the importance of the ozone layer, a critical component of Earth’s atmosphere, that protects life by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.– NNN-APP  


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