ADB Approves 93.6 Million USD Financing To Cambodia For Rural Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene Improvement

ADB Approves 93.6 Million USD Financing To Cambodia For Rural Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene Improvement

PHNOM PENH, Sept 2 (NNN-AKP) – The Asian Development Bank (ADB), approved 93.6 million U.S. dollars in loans and grants, to improve and expand climate-resilient and inclusive rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in Cambodia, said its news release, today.

The Rural Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvement Sector Development Programme is expected to benefit approximately 88,000 households in 400 villages, in 50 communes across nine provinces in the country.

The programme will support government efforts to provide universal access to safely managed water supply services, and basic hygiene facilities in rural areas, and improve access to safely managed sanitation facilities, while also addressing affordability.

“The programme supports ‘WASH for all’ by prioritising rural populations in remote areas,” said ADB Country Director for Cambodia, Jyotsana Varma.

“It proposes reforms to strengthen governance in the management of community-managed WASH facilities, and scale up government planning for sustainability and climate resilience,” she added.

The programme, including a grant of three million dollars and a technical assistance of 600,000 dollars, will be carrying out in Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Speu, Kampot, Kratie, Oddar Meanchey, Pailin, Preah Vihear, and Stung Treng provinces, according to the news release.

In 2022, access to safely managed water supply was at 29 percent for the country and even lower, at 20 percent in rural areas, while access to safely managed sanitation was 37 percent nationally, and 34 percent in rural areas, the news release said.

Open defecation was practiced by about two million rural residents, which exposes land and water resources to contamination, and contributes to waterborne infections, it added.

According to the news release, since 2005, more than one million people, particularly residents of the provinces along the Tonle Sap Lake, have already benefited from ADB-supported WASH services.– NNN-AKP  


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