US organization with another act of solidarity with Cuba

HAVANA, Sept 2 (NNN-ACN) — Some 800 tons of wheat flour was donated to Cuba by the US organization The People’s Forum, and according to Manolo de los Santos, its executive director, many hands from all over the world offered solidarity help to achieve it.

The young friend of the Island, based in New York, denounced the genocide that constitutes the blockade of the US government against Cuba, and gave as an example that for this donation they talked to 14 different companies in the US and none dared to sell that flour, they had to look for others as far away as Turkey, when it is only 90 miles away from Cuba, he said.

That is genocide, it is an act of war and we as neighbor of the Cuban people want to affirm our position of peace, our position that we believe in the shared humanity of our countries, and we say to Joe Biden, who has months left in the White House, that it is time to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, and to begin the process of lifting the blockade against the Cuban people, Santos affirmed.

He explained that this campaign was made possible in large part by the donation of thousands of people in the United States, some donated one dollar, others donated thousands, but with the conviction to carry out another type of policy in favor of relations between Cuba and the United States, he assured and acknowledged the Martin Luther King Memorial Center, for the support and the relationship of many years of work and cooperation.

Manolo de los Santos added that this is the end of the project that arose more than four months ago, but they are committed to continue accompanying the Cuban people, and wondered once again about the reality of the blockade.

The 800 tons of wheat flour will be destined for the western provinces of Pinar del Rio, Artemisa, Mayaquebe, Havana and Matanzas, as explained to the press by Anaira Cabrera Martinez, general director of industrial policy of the Ministry of Food Industry (Minal by its Spanish acronym).

Javier Francisco Aguiar, vice minister of Minal, thanked the US organization and the Let Cuba Live project for the donation of wheat flour, and said that it is not a symbolic act, it is real and tangible and influences the daily production of bread, 800 tons of flour are needed for the production of daily bread for the population in the country and also guarantee the health centers, children’s day care centers and other social sectors. — NNN-ACN


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