Syrian Army Resumes Operation in Northern Hamas

Syrian Army Resumes Operation in Northern Hamas

DAMASCUS June 5 (NNN-Prensa Latina) After a unilateral truce not respected by terrorist groups, the Syrian Army has resumed operations and recovered four locations in the north of the central province of Hama, adjacent to Idleb, according to military sources.

After an artillery training and the support of their own aviation and that of Russia, the units of the Tiger Special Forces took the villages of Hamirat, Qaratah, Hardane and Al Qasabiyah, according to the reports.

The terrorist groups, led by the Levant Liberation Board, once the Al Nusra Front, did not accept a ceasefire proposed by Russia and Turkey and continued rocket attacks against areas of Hama, 210 kilometers north of Damascus, the sources added.

For the time being, Syrian government troops and allied forces are conducting operations in Al Hobeit and Tal Sakher, in that region and in Kabani, in the mountainous area of the coastal province of Latakia.

In this context, Russia and China vetoed in the United Nations Security Council a declaration proposed by Kuwait, Germany and Belgium, whose terms they described as unbalanced and without any reference to the actions of these terrorist groups.

For both Damascus and Moscow, Western power centers and their allies in the region are trying to foster measures that are in fact a way of extending the solution in Idleb, the last organized bastion of terrorists in Syria.

NNN-Prensa Latina


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