Selangor Asean Business Conference 2024 Side Program; In Conversation With YB Minister Showcases Malaysia’s Commitment To Sustainable Development

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 (Bernama) — The SABC 2024 Side Program featured a session between the conference delegates with YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, and moderated by YBhg. Dato’ Johary Bin Anuar, Selangor Deputy State Secretary (Development) cum Director of UPEN, focused on investment and sustainable development in Malaysia.
The event highlighted Malaysia’s commitment to enacting new climate legislation to address the impacts of rising sea levels, despite the country’s relatively small contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. Malaysia has set an ambitious target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and increase its renewable energy capacity to 70% by 2025. It also emphasized the need for a dynamic and comprehensive national adaptation plan, stressing the importance of policy alignment across key ministries, such as energy, water, and industry, to effectively combat climate change. The necessity of targeted subsidies to support vulnerable populations while managing public response was also highlighted.


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