Explosion Hits Rebel-Held City Near Syria-Turkey Border

Explosion Hits Rebel-Held City Near Syria-Turkey Border

DAMASCUS, Syria, June 3 (NNN-SANA) – An explosion hit the rebel-held city of Azaz in northern Syria near Turkey on Sunday, activists said.

The explosion was reportedly caused by a car bomb that went off in the centre of Azaz, said the report, with no details on casualties yet.

Azaz, located in the northern countryside of Aleppo province, is controlled by Turkey-backed rebels.

On July 19, 2012, rebels against the Syrian government succeeded in capturing Azaz, which is a highly-valued area, due to its proximity to the Turkish-Syrian border.

The Daesh took control of the city in Oct, 2013, but withdrew from it in Feb, 2014, and the Turkey-backed rebels retook it.– NNN-SANA


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