Russian War Planes Strike Rebel-held Area In Syria’s Idlib

Russian War Planes Strike Rebel-held Area In Syria’s Idlib

DAMASCUS, Syria, June 2 (NNN-SANA) – Russian war planes struck a town in the countryside of rebel-held Idlib province, in north-western Syria on Saturday.

The air strikes targeted Khan Sheikhun in the countryside of Idlib, killing at least two people and wounding four others, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

This comes amid shelling and battles between the Syrian army and the rebels, in the southern countryside of Idlib and the nearby northern countryside of Hama province in central Syria.

Areas in the countryside of Hama, Idlib and the western countryside of Aleppo are included in the deescalation zones deal, which was reached between Russia and Turkey in Sept, 2018.

The military operation started in the aforementioned areas in late April 2019.

The deal failed to materialise as the al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) group, expanded in Idlib and started attacks on Syrian military positions, instead of withdrawing from the designated zone, which combines Idlib with Hama and Aleppo countryside, as well as, mountain areas in the eastern countryside of Latakia province.– NNN-SANA


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