President of Venezuela passed Non-Petroleum Exports Law

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro attends an event at the National Electoral Council, in Caracas

CARACAS, July 19 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, on Thursday passed the Law for the Promotion of Non-Oil Exports, aimed at diversifying the country’s economic development.

In an event with hundreds of entrepreneurs in the Ríos Reyna room of the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas, the president proceeded to sign the norm approved the day before in a second discussion and unanimously accepted by the National Assembly (parliament).

He pointed out that the historic provision will serve the development, growth of the new economy and prosperity; “What we are going for is big,” he said.

Maduro stated that the prophecy is being fulfilled and miraculous times of growth, prosperity, much peace and happiness are coming for everyone.

The new ordinance will benefit large and small exporters, while streamlining processes to the detriment of bureaucracy, the president of parliament Jorge Rodríguez said in the legislative plenary session.

He meant that the Law will streamline all export processes and is inserted as part of the new productive economic model that is advancing in the country.

It protects the exporter, especially from the box office, from the tax office, from the bureaucracy, he stressed.

Rodríguez recalled that the initiative arose from President Nicolás Maduro in his meetings with businessmen and entrepreneurs.

The head of state declared at the event that since 2021, 726,704 loans have been granted to businesses throughout the country, of which 1,387,261 men and women are beneficiaries, and 64 percent of them correspond to the latter. sector.

Maduro pointed out that in the last four years the country invested 338 million dollars through public banks, extracted from the Bank of Venezuela, the Treasury and Banco Bicentenario, in addition to the National Entrepreneurs Fund.

In the leader’s opinion, Venezuela entered an accelerated stage of a new era of transition, “to a new society, towards modern, advanced and entrepreneurial socialism.”

When commenting on the decision of the Legislative Branch, Maduro meant that it is at the service of the people, and people know that the laws approved in the Federal Palace benefit farmers, fishermen, workers and entrepreneurs.

He announced in another order that the Law for the Promotion and Development of New Entrepreneurship will be sent to the National Assembly to be reformed for the benefit of the people. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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