Argentina tops list of LatAm countries with the highest inflation for the 9th straight month

Argentina tops list of LatAm countries with the highest inflation for the 9th straight month
The CPI went up 4.6% while all the other countries recorded variations below one digit.

BUENOS AIRES, July 14 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Argentina was found to boast the dubious honor of topping the list of Latin American countries with the highest inflation for the ninth month in a row after Friday’s release by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) of the latest report regarding June’s figures.

The CPI went up 4.6% while all the other countries recorded variations below one digit.

Venezuela was a distant second with a CPI of 1% for a total of 51.4% in the last 12 months, according to data from the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV). However, the Venezuelan Finance Observatory (OVF) reported figures of 2.4% and 68%, respectively. In the first semester of 2024, the BCV said inflation reached 8.9%.

Brazil showed a monthly variation of 0.39% in the sixth month of 2024, according to the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA) released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which also mentioned a 2.52% adjustment in the first semester of 2024.

Uruguay’s monthly inflation in June reached 0.36% from 0.4% the previous month for a yoy 4.96% variation and 3.62% in the first half of 2024.

In Peru, inflation went up 0.12% for a total of 1.57% since January and 2.29% interannually.

Colombia’s National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) reported a 0.32% increase in June for an interannual 7.18% adjustment, 4.12% in the first semester alone.

Chile, Paraguay, and Ecuador recorded deflationary figures in June. — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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