Kenya: Government commits to protecting refugees

NAIROBI, July 6 (NNN-KBC) — The Kenyan government is working closely with humanitarian partners to ensure immediate needs of refugees are met.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Interior, the Department of Refugee Services (DRS) and UNHCR will conduct a verification of the refugees’ registration status before they are relocated back to their camps.

The government says it is committed to the protection of refugees and asylum seekers together with host communities.

This following an insecurity incident that happened on June 20, 2024 in Kakuma Refugee Camp between two refugee communities.

Unfortunately, following this incident, some refugees from Kakuma moved in large numbers to Ruiru-Sub-county through normal and hired public transport.

According to the statement, as of July 4, 2024, the total number was 762 households comprising 3,054 individuals.

“The DRS and Sub-County Security teams swiftly moved in to restore calm. Subsequently, together with UNHCR and other partners, we held peace restoration meetings with the affected refugee communities, culminating in a peace agreement that allows for the reintegration of refugees back into the camp,” read the statement.

As a signatory to the 1951 UN Convention on the status of refugees and its 1967 Protocol, Kenya has the international obligation to receive and protect refugees and asylum seekers.

“The DRS reminds all refugees and asylum seekers of their obligations to respect the laws of Kenya, maintain peace and follow the correct channels to communicate whenever they have grievances,” the statement added.

The government says it has undertaken the duty to protect refugees with diligence for more than three decades. — NNN-KBC


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