US to hit Mexico with tariffs over ‘illegal migrants’

WASHINGTON, May 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Washington will impose a five percent tariff on all goods from Mexico starting June 10, a measure that will last until “illegal migrants” stop coming through the country into the US,
President Donald Trump said.

“On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods
coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants
coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP,” Trump tweeted.

“The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem
is remedied, at which time the Tariffs will be removed,” he wrote.

According to the White House, the tariff will rise to 10 percent on July 1,
then increase by five percent increments each month until topping out at 25
percent on Oct 1.

“Tariffs will permanently remain at the 25 percent level unless and until
Mexico substantially stops the illegal inflow of aliens coming through its
territory,” the statement said.

“If the illegal migration crisis is alleviated through effective actions
taken by Mexico, to be determined in our sole discretion and judgment, the
Tariffs will be removed,” the White House said.

The announcement came the same day that Trump kick-started the process of ratifying the new North American trade pact with Mexico and Canada — an agreement which is now likely to be under serious threat.

Mexico’s top diplomat for North America vowed to retaliate.

“It’s disastrous. If this threat is carried out, it would be extremely
serious,” said Jesus Seade, under-secretary for North American affairs at the
Mexican foreign ministry.

“If this is put in place, we must respond vigorously,” he told a press

Trump’s announcement came a day after border agents in El Paso, Texas
detained the largest single group of migrants they had ever encountered —
1,036 people.

The group crossed the Rio Grande River from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in the
early morning hours of Wednesday, illustrating the mounting problem that
Trump’s administration has been unable to get under control.

The El Paso group comprised of entire families, 39 single adults and 63
unaccompanied minors, all from Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador, according to US Customs and Border Protection.

“The apprehension of 1,036 individuals in a single group — the largest
group ever encountered by Border Patrol agents — demonstrates the severity of the border security and humanitarian crisis at our Southwest border,” said Customs and Border Protection Deputy Commissioner Robert Perez.

The number of migrants apprehended has topped 100,000 a month in recent months.

They are mostly people fleeing poverty and violence in Central America to
ask for asylum once they arrive on US soil.

“Mexico’s passive cooperation in allowing this mass incursion constitutes
an emergency and extraordinary threat to the national security and economy of the United States,” the White House said in the statement.

“Mexico has very strong immigration laws and could easily halt the illegal
flow of migrants, including by returning them to their home countries.
Additionally, Mexico could quickly and easily stop illegal aliens from coming through its southern border with Guatemala.”

The CBP said more than 530,000 migrants have been apprehended entering the country since the beginning of the fiscal year in October 2018. — NNN-AGENCIES


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